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DarkComet Rat 3.3 FWB Final-Rat Program
In 2003 he was selected as the first university professor at Idaho State University. He directs theInformatics Research Institute and the National Information Assurance Training and Education Center.His program was recognized by the U.S. government as a Center of Academic Excellence inInformation Assurance and is a leading institution in the CyberCorps/Scholarship for Serviceprogram.
a. Observe the display options for the network connection.b. What option displays the ports in use by number?c. What option lists all connections and listening ports?d. What option shows the programs that created each connection?
In this lab you will use the program Telnet to connect to an SMTP server and send an e-mail. Youwill then use Telnet to connect to the POP3 server to retrieve the e-mail. Telnet is used because itperforms a simple action. It opens a TCP connection for user interaction. When a user types any text,it is sent through the TCP connection, and any message sent by the remote machine is displayed to theuser.
One way of getting passwords is to crack them. There are two steps to password cracking. Firstyou have to obtain the hash of the password that will be stored on the computer. The hash is a valuethat is calculated by processing the text of a password through an algorithm. With a good hashingalgorithm and salting, there should be no way to determine the password from the hash. The secondstep is to actually crack the password. Since there is no way to determine the password from the hash,you might wonder how a cracking program works.
Although the cracking program does not know how to reverse the hash back to the password, itdoes know the algorithm to create a password from a hash. As such, it can process any word orcombination of characters and generate its hash. It then compares the captured hash with the one it justgenerated. If the hashes match, then it has found the password. If the hashes do not match, the programcontinues. One popular way to generate hashes and search for passwords is with a dictionary attack,which uses a dictionary file that contains a list of words that are commonly used as passwords.Dictionary files vary in size. A password that is in a dictionary file can be cracked in seconds. Ahybrid attack is an attack that uses other techniques in conjunction with a dictionary attack. This typeof attack may attempt to combine words that are in the dictionary in order to get passwords that aremade up of two or more dictionary words.
Another type of attack is a brute-force attack, which tries every possible combination ofcharacters that can be used in sequence. A brute-force attack can take days or even months, dependingon the strength of the password and the processing power of the computer doing the cracking.Attackers can speed up the process by using a distributed password-cracking program. This type ofcracking program divides the processing among two or more computers. The more computersinvolved in the attack, the faster the password will be cracked.
Ettercap is a freely available program that can be used to exploit the weakness of the ARPprotocol. While it can be used by attackers to launch MITM attacks, it can also be used to monitor thenetwork and detect whether there are poisoners on the network.
A number of technologies exist for the sole purpose of ensuring that the criticalcharacteristics of data are maintained in any of its states. These technologies can be eitherhardware or software. Some of these items include but are not limited to firewalls, antivirusprograms, software updates, and various forms of encryption. An understanding of thesetechnologies is essential to enable security without compromising functionality.
settings on a more granular level. You can change the firewall network settings, securitylogging settings, or ICMP settings. The network settings enable you to allow or disallow theuse of programs such as FTP or Telnet. The security logging settings let you log packets thatwere dropped as well as successful connections. The ICMP settings allow you to configurehow your computer will react with programs such as ping and tracert.
Lab 7.3: Using FirewallsA firewall is a device that blocks or allows network traffic based on a ruleset. There are many typesof firewalls. They can be software programs, hardware devices, or combinations of the two. Anetwork can have multiple layers of firewalls to perform specific functions based on location. A host-based firewall, or personal firewall, is another layer in a defense-in-depth strategy. If malicioustraffic should make it past the perimeter defense, it can still be blocked at the host with a personalfirewall.
The security afforded by an encryption program relies on the algorithm, the key, and thefaithfulness with which the program uses algorithms to generate keys and performencryption/decryption functions. It is advisable to verify the integrity of any cryptographicapplication to ensure that it has not been modified in an unauthorized fashion.
13. On the Completing the WinSCP Setup Wizard screen, do the following:a. Uncheck Open Getting Started Page.b. Click Finish.The WinSCP program will start up, the opening screen of which is shown in Figure 8-6.
10. When you are finished, press the ESC key to leave insert mode. Then type :wq and pressENTER to write to the file and quit vim.With the configuration set, you now need to start the backuppc program.
Step 2: Install and run a Trojan.Before you get into the steps of performing a live analysis, you will put some potentially maliciousprograms on the server. You will first install the Trojan on the server from the attached drive.
attack. There is, however, a state of SYN_SENT. What does this mean?You can now see that the system is infected with both a Trojan and an active keyloggingprogram. From this point, you would recommend a full investigation. This would includecapturing an image of the hard drives and then conducting forensic analysis on the image. 2ff7e9595c