The Mac-only application is a significant upgrade from the previous version. If duplicate photos plague your Mac, Gemini 2 is an optimised and intuitive choice that takes the hassle out of locating all those duplicates that tend to fall between the cracks.
In some tests, glass filter plates have cracked and shattered following intense Q-switched pulsed laser exposures. In some instances, the shattering occurred after one-quarter to one-half hour had elapsed following the exposure. Also, at least one glass filter type has been shown to photobleach when exposed to the short pulses of a Q-switched laser.
[Extra Speed] Gemini Photo Digitizer Crack
The Candela 8620 series are designed for substrate wafer quality inspection and gallium nitride (GaN) epi process control in the LED industry. This new inspection platform integrates proven Candela inspection techniques with a new photoluminescence mode to capture both surface defects and multiple quantum well (MQW) defects. In addition, the 8600 series systems provide the unique capability to detect cracks and differentiate submicron pits from particles on LED wafers.
Approach the radio and press A to turn it on, to get a remix of the old Banjo-Kazooie tune playing in the background. The song only plays inside the house, however.Contributed By: MalevolentFish 2 0Killer Instinct 2 CheatsCodesCharacter Select Codes ARCAt the character select screen do the following:EffectCodeChange Color of Highlighted CharacterUp or DownGargos is selectable characterHold UP then press Fierce Punch, Medium Punch, Medium Kick, Fierce Kick, Medium Punch, Quick Punch, Quick Kick, Medium KickRandom SelectUp+StartContributed By: _LordAtomic_, isv666 1 0Speed Settings ARCThe following combinations should be held at the ''VS'' screen to change the speed setting of the match.EffectCodeFast SpeedUp or Down+Medium Kick or PunchNormal SpeedUp or Down+Quick Kick or PunchUltra SpeedUp or Down+Fierce Kick or PunchContributed By: isv666 2 1Stage Select/Music Select ARCAfter choosing the character you want with the Start button, immediately press and hold Up or Down along with one of the Punch or Kick buttons. Different combinations allows different boards. The first player to choose their character gets to choose the stage. The second player gets to choose the music with the same method.EffectCodeFulgore stageUp+Medium KickGargos stageDown+Medium PunchGlacius stageUp+Fierce PunchJago stageDown+Quick PunchKim Wu stageDown+Quick KickMaya stageUp+Medium PunchOrchid stageUp+Fierce KickSabrewulf stageUp+Quick PunchSky PlatformDown+Medium Kick(both controllers)Spinal stageDown+Medium KickSpinal stageDown+Fierce KickT.J. Combo stageDown+Fierce PunchTusk stageUp+Quick KickContributed By: isv666 2 1UnlockablesHow to unlock Gargos in Killer Instinct 2 ClassicUnlockableHow to UnlockGargosWhile holding up on LS press RB, Y, B, RT, Y, X, A, and then BContributed By: masterpc06 6 0Unlock The Endings ARCBy "kill" a character, I mean to perform an Ultimate/No Mercy/Stage Fatality on the character and then proceed to defeat Gargos.UnlockableHow to UnlockCombo Ending 1 & 2Kill Tusk or let him liveFulgore Ending 1Don't kill Orchid or JagoFulgore Ending 2Kill Orchid and JagoFulgore Ending 3Kill Orchid, but bot JagoFulgore Ending 4Kill Jago, but not OrchidGargos EndingJust defeat the last bossGlacius Ending 1 & 2Destroy the wall in Sabrewulf's stage and then kill Sabrewulf or let him liveGlacius Ending 3 & 4Do not destroy the wall in Sabrewulf's stage, but kill Sabrewulf or let him liveJago Ending 1Don't kill Orchid or FulgoreJago Ending 2Kill Orchid and FulgoreJago Ending 3Kill Orchid, but bot FulgoreJago Ending 4Kill Fulgore, but not OrchidKim Wu Ending 1 & 2Without using a continue, kill Spinal or let him liveKim Wu Ending 3 & 4Use at least 1 continue and kill Spinal or let him liveMaya Ending 1 & 2Kill Tusk or let him liveOrchid Ending 1Don't kill Sabrewulf or JagoOrchid Ending 2Kill Sabrewulf and JagoOrchid Ending 3Kill Sabrewulf, but bot JagoOrchid Ending 4Kill Jago, but not SabrewulfSabrewulf Ending 1 & 2Kill Glacius or let him liveSpinal Ending 1 & 2Kill Kim Wu or let her liveTusk Ending 1 & 2Destroy the hanging piece of wing in Glacius' stage and then kill TJ Combo or let him liveTusk Ending 3 & 4Do not destroy the hanging piece of wing in Glacius' stage, but kill TJ Combo or let him liveContributed By: ReyVGM 2 1Killer Instinct Gold CheatsCodesMiscellaneous Codes N64At the title screen, let the game run until the character bio screens come up, then enter the following codes:EffectCodeBonus OptionsZ, B, A, L, A, ZCostume Colors CodeZ, B, A, Z, A, LPlay as GargosZ, A, R, Z, A, BView CreditsZ, L, A, Z, A, RContributed By: mike_tru, Kasket_Darkfyre, Elemental_Knight, ReyVGM 19 12Music Select N64This can only be done in two player mode. The second person gets to choose the music. To do these, after choosing your character, you must hold down the following buttons to get that specific stage:EffectCodeFulgore TuneHold Up and press C Down Gargos TuneHold Down and press C Left Glacius TuneHold Up and press C Up Jago TuneHold Down and press B Kim TuneHold Down and press A Maya TuneHold Up and press C Left Orchid TuneHold Up and press C Right Sabrewulf TuneHold Up and press B Spinal TuneHold Down and press C DownT.J.Combo TuneHold Down and press C Up Tusk TuneHold Up and press A Contributed By: isv666 6 3Stage Select N64This can only be done in two player mode. The first person to choose their character gets to choose the stage. To do these, after choosing your character, you must hold down the following buttons to get that specific stage: EffectCodeBridge StageHold Down and press BCastle StageHold Up and press BDojo StageHold Down and press ADungeon StageHold Down and press C LeftHelipad StageHold UP and press C RightJungle StageHold Up and press C LeftMuseum StageHold Up and press C DownSpaceship StageHold Up and press C UpSpinal Ship StageHold Down and press C DownStonehenge StageHold Up and press AStreet StageHold Down and press C UpContributed By: isv666 4 1UnlockablesUnlockable - Master Difficulty N64Beat Game On Extra Hard DifficultyUnlockableHow to UnlockMaster DifficultyBeat Game On Extra Hard DifficultyContributed By: fortebuster 5 1SecretsChange Character Color N64At the character select screen, pressing up or down on the joystick will change the costume color of your current highlighted character.Contributed By: _LordAtomic_ 6 0Random Select N64To have your character be randomly chosen, simply hold the up button and then press start while viewing the character select screen.Contributed By: CyanShadow 4 0Knight Lore CheatsCodesStage Skip FDSTo enable this cheat, you first need to insert an extra joystick in the Famicom's expansion port. After you've done that, hold Left on the extra joystick & Right + B + A on controller 1, then while still holding, press Right 10 times on controller 2. As an alternative, if you can somehow manage to hold both Left and Right on controller 1, then you wouldn't need that extra joystick.Contributed By: ReyVGM 2 0Perfect Dark (2000) CheatsGlitchesArea 51 Rescue Glitch N64As everyone who has ever failed in this level knows, if the crate you're lugging around gets blown up by stray gunfire, you fail the level due to not being able to access the research section.
POKE 45219,173SYS 2061Contributed By: Ambera_Rx 0 0Slalom CheatsSecretsPrevent Falling Down NESTo prevent yourself from falling down after a crash, press down directly after you flip up in the air. Contributed By: Pegboy 0 2Snake Rattle n Roll CheatsGlitchesEasily complete level 4. NESWhen you reach the weighing station on level 4, a yellow anvil will attempt to drop down on you. If you are standing on the weighing station when this happens and then move out of the way, the anvil will cause the bell on the weighing station to ring. This will allow you to complete the level even if you haven't reached the proper length.Contributed By: HyperIria 3 0SecretsRocket Warp NESAs soon as you begin Level 1, run straight to the end of the level without stopping. If you get there in time, you'll see a rocket. Leap to it before it takes off, and you'll warp to Level 8.Contributed By: Flying_Omelette 4 0Secret Warp NESIn Level 1, look for the first small one-square island without a lid, and leap onto it. Press the B button and you'll uncover a hidden lid that will warp you to Level 3.Contributed By: Flying_Omelette 4 0Secret Warp 2 NESIn Level 3, find the area with two pibbley dispensers. There's a lid at the very top of them. Use the speed-up to help jump across the ledges and get up to the lid. Open it to warp to Level 5.Contributed By: Flying_Omelette 3 1Warp 3 NESIn level 6 after the one with the waterfalls, near the begining, jump down to the sewer on level 4, here you used to recived a clock, now you will warp to level 9Contributed By: axelez 3 0Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship CheatsCodesMaxed Passwords NESThese passwords are so named because they will start you with 15 lives and 99,999 points on the designated level. You will be on a "Normal"-type map with the Nippon Sports Jetpod, which has the shield and thruster.EffectCodePlanet 01ZQBPQQQQDMNBPlanet 02ZQBPQQQQLGNBPlanet 03ZQBPQQQQQXNBPlanet 04ZQBPQQQQWRNBPlanet 05ZQDNQQQQDMNBPlanet 06ZQDNQQQQLGNBPlanet 07ZQDNQQQQQXNBPlanet 08ZQDNQQQQWRNBPlanet 09ZQGRQQQQDMNBPlanet 10ZQGRQQQQLGNBPlanet 11ZQGRQQQQQXNBPlanet 12ZQGRQQQQWRNBPlanet 13ZQHQQQQQDMNBContributed By: Anonymous 1 1PasswordsLevel Passwords NESEffectPasswordPlanet 01KBBKBBDBBDBBPlanet 02KLBLBKHBKLGBPlanet 03KDBRNPBDRPHDPlanet 04KLBMKBBGXHHBPlanet 05KNDPBKKDGBNBPlanet 06KNDHNBHBNWNBPlanet 07LKDZKQHDTRNBPlanet 08MKDVBPHDZRTBPlanet 09MBGLNMKGHXNBPlanet 10LQGGMQLHNDHHPlanet 11PHGBKMKHTQTBPlanet 12LMGZQBDPZLTGPlanet 13MKHWBPHDHXTBContributed By: Land_Of_Gamecubes, The_Vic_Viper, SSJ4_Stephen, Veylon 3 0Other Passwords NESEffectPasswordBonus LevelsQQQQQQQQQQQQHidden StageMMMMMMQQQQQQHidden XX LevelBKKBKKHMBHMBShankoo #11DHGDQLNBTLNBStart with 15 lives, 999999 points, and the Shield and ThrusterZQBPQQQQBVHQStart with 15 lives/extra moneyZBBBBBBBLNTQStart with 7 lives/extra moneyNNNNNNNNNNNNStart with Italian racing jetpodKBBKBBDBBQPBStart with no moneyBBBBBBBBBBBBStart with Super Mapping DeviceKBBKBBDBHKBBContributed By: Dallas, J_Dawg007, MarioShroomed, MrPopsicle43 1 0Password NESEffectPasswordLevel 14ZHH ZQQ QQN NNNContributed By: TerrisUS 2 3GlitchesGlitch Level NESOn the password screen, type in MMMMMMMMMMMM. It will take you to a shop where there are glitched items, then an oddly colored version of Planet 5 titled U, a glitched bonus stage, and finally Planet 12. You will have 666666 points, 6 lives and 6 jetpods. All items in the shop will be available, and you will start with the Italian racing pod.Contributed By: Mr_A24 3 0Secrets15 lives at any time NESIn order to get 15 lives anywhere in the game, take the password you're given as you play through the game, and replace the first and fourth characters with 'Z'.Contributed By: HeWhoYerfs 4 2Viva Pinata CheatsPasswordsGarden Name Passwords X360Enter the name for your garden to get the desired bonus:EffectPassword5 extra accessories at the Pet shopchewnicornUnlock new items for your pinatas to weargoobaaUnlock new items for your pinatas to wearBullseyeYMCA GearKittyflossContributed By: Vypor, Davkis, WoofACH, AteoFiel 12 4GlitchesPass Time Without Prompts or Delays X360Simply press 'X' and choose the Tower of Sour (Up-Right). You can remain here for as long as you like without ever having to worry about a prompt coming up asking you about a pinata request or anything else. Note that your garden will still be in play, and your pinata are likely to get eaten, so this works best on gardens without valuables. This makes getting the 50 hour real-time achievement much easier and faster.Contributed By: Kogut 5 1Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise CheatsPasswordsPlay The Credits Mode and Unlock Accesories and The Wishing Well. X360On the main menu select play garden, then choose to create a new garden, when asked to name your garden, name it Piñata People. You'll start the garden you named, but you will unlock ability to view the credits on the main menu (the sign farthest to the left). When you view the credits you have to break open the Piñatas (one hit breaks them) to see them, before you break them open, you might want to destroy the debris to unlock the hidden accessories. This mode is completed after you break all the Piñatas. You will also unlock The Wishing Well when you complete this mode.EffectPasswordUnlocks Credits ModePiñata PeopleContributed By: tman7776 8 5GlitchesDuplication! X360NOTE: this MIGHT bug out your game to where you cannot play, so be very careful when using this glitch, and use a garden specifically made for thisFirst you need money, or an item/piñata you want to duplicateNext, buy a crate and place it wherever you want.Pack the item(s) or piñata(s) then send it to yourselfOpen up the alert menu, then place the crate you just sent to yourselfThen, open up the "add/remove chocolate coins" menu in the crate you just placed, then in quick succession tap B, X, X. this will open up a menu, then another menu below the one you see..Use the cursor to select send crate. Send the crate to yourself again, then IMMEDIATELY select "edit message" and press startAfter doing so, there will be a box in your garden, unable to be interacted with. This is when you SAVE AND EXIT. Then you reload the same garden you had the box in.Once youre loaded in, select the crate, DO NOT UNPACK, but send it to yourself. You now have two crates with the same duplicated contents!I have yet to test this on items or plants, so be warry with what you place in the crate.This glitch is all thanks to Trevor Vance, a YouTuber I found who did this glitch.Contributed By: Fenrorn117 1 0UnlockablesThe Mode of Unlocking the Credits and it's Secrets X360Unblock all the pinatas from Pester's hands and Leafos will say that credits are unlocked. Now smash all sours, pinata's and junk's for unlocking cool items, like Wishing WellUnlockableHow to UnlockAccesoriesSmash all junk'sCool ItemsSmash all sour'sCreditsUnblock all pinata'sWishing WellSmash all pinata'sContributed By: Minaxus 5 1Unlockable Gamerpic X360Enter a new garden's name as Piñata People to unlock the credits. Next, exit your garden to enter the Inside you and a friend can have "smashing good fun".UnlockableHow to UnlockAccessoriesSmash all debris and treesGamerpicSmash all sours.Wishing WellSmash all PinatasContributed By: Nickf42 2 1Easter EggsGamer Pic X360Beat all seven of Langston's Region challengesContributed By: reklaw_vahn 3 1$(document).ready(function()$('.content_ratings.voted').attr('title','You have already voted on this item.');$('.content_ratings.mycode').attr('title','You can not vote on your own contribution.');$('.content_ratings').tooltip( position: my: "left+0 center", at: "right+15 center" , tooltipClass:'tooltip'););function cheat_vote(code_id, cur_vote, vote)$.ajax(type: 'POST',url: '/ajax/gamespace_item_vote',data: vote: vote, id: code_id, type: 'code', key: '0fbaf5f5' ,success: function(response)var d = $.parseJSON(response);if(d.success)$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote).addClass('myvote');$('#'+code_id+'c'+vote+' span').text(cur_vote+1);$('.content_ratings.c'+code_id+' span').removeAttr('onclick'););Know Something We Don't?You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.