The Diary of Anne Frank is a 1959 biographical drama film based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning 1955 play of the same name, which was in turn based on the posthumously published diary of Anne Frank, a German-born Jewish girl who lived in hiding in Amsterdam with her family during World War II. It was directed by George Stevens, with a screenplay by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, is the first film version of both the play and the original story, and features three members of the original Broadway cast.
While Americans currently invoke the Holocaust as a moral paradigm - the symbolic measure of evil - American Jews have come to view it as the emblematic Jewish experience. In 1959, Hollywood's version of Anne Frank's diary drew praise from the director of the Jewish Film Advisory Committee, who commended the movie's universalization of suffering: "It could very easily have been an outdated Jewish tragedy by less creative or more emotional handling - even a Jewish 'Wailing Wall,' and hence regarded as mere propaganda." 2 By sharp contrast, the 1997 American Jewish Committee survey of American Jewish opinion revealed that 94 percent of respondents believed that Jews should "keep the remembrance of the Holocaust strong, even after the passage of time." Respondents to a similar survey two years later, asked to cite the importance of several factors to one's Jewish identity, cited the Shoah more than anything else, above religious observance or the State of Israel.
The Diary Of Anne Frank 1959 Movie Download