Changes are part of every latest edition to make the information up to date. The latest edition covers vast details related to the head and neck region. In addition, it also explains the complete anatomy of the brain relating to its physiology. Some of these changes are below:
Vishram Singh Anatomy Head And Neck Pdf Downloadl
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This textbook of anatomy head, neck, and brain covers all the important details related to the head region that includes the scalp and face and the neck region that includes all the important musculature and other important structures in the neck. In addition, it also explains the essential anatomy of the brain that includes all brain ventricles, cranial nerves, and other important details.
Head: This head region includes all the basic details related to the scalp and temple area. In addition, it describes the fundamental anatomy of the skin and superficial fascia of the skin. Moreover, this book provides all details of the important joints of the face. It elucidates complete details of the oral cavity, parotid region, and all details related to muscle attachment.
This book explains the osteology of important structures. In addition, it also provides knowledge about muscle attachments. Moreover, this book explains all the important arterial and venous supplies to the structures, lymph nodes present in different areas of the head and neck region, and nerve supply to all these structures.
After reviewing all the details mentioned above, this book is worth reading for medical as well as dental students. This textbook surely helps you to clear all important concepts related to head and neck anatomy. This book is also available in pdf to avoid any purchase inconvenience.